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Frequently Asked Questions

Learn more about some commonly asked internship questions. 

FAQ: Program Details

Functionality You Will Love



How many interns do you accept?  

What do you look for in the ideal candidate?  

113 interns annually.


We acceptance interns for both Fall and Spring enrollment.

We are looking for a well-rounded candidate with good communication skills, leadership qualities, and initiative.  


Preference will be given to those applicants who have rotation sites identified and secured.  


My GPA is below a 3.0, should I still apply?  

Yes! This is a recommendation, not a requirement. In addition, the didactic GPA holds more weight than the overall GPA.  


What are the weekly hour requirements for rotations?  

Non-degree track interns: 30 hours/week - 45 hours/week. 


Degree track interns: 16 hours/week - 25 hours/week. 


Note: “Degree Track” interns are those who are completing a Master’s Degree (either with one of our partnering programs or a different college/university) concurrently with their internship. 


Is WWDU an MS-DI  program or a DI?  

This is a DI. We do not award any degrees.  


However, if you desire to complete your master’s degree during your DI, we offer the opportunity to enroll in the Framingham State University (M.Ed), Simmon's College (MS), Merrimack College (MS) or  Johnson & Wales (MBA) master’s programs or the program of your choice while you complete the internship part-time.  


Can I receive graduate credits from completing just the DI?

No, you cannot receive graduate credits from complete the dietetic internship.


Does this program require a fee or tuition?

Yes, our tuition is $12,000. For a schedule of fees and a good faith estimate of expenses, go to our Intern Resources page to view our Good Faith Estimate of Expenses.  


Your tuition may be paid in 2 or more installments between March and June (for Spring Interns) or December and February (for Fall Interns).


Are the program tuition or fees refundable?

All program fees and tuition are non-refundable with no exceptions.


Can I use a scholarship or financial aid?

You are welcome to apply for loans or scholarships to help pay for the internship. One half of tuition is due upon acceptance into the program and the other half is due prior to the start of the program. A spot cannot be held until payment is received. Wellness Workdays can provide needed documentation for reimbursement once tuition has been paid in full.  Fees and tuition are non-refundable. Learn more about financial aid and scholarships offered through the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics 


Is WWDI a VA-approved facility? 

Wellness Workdays is not an approved facility for the payment of VA educational benefits. Veterans are welcome to apply and use funds or scholarships from the military, but one half of the tuition is due upon acceptance into the program and the other half is due prior to the start of the program. A spot cannot be held until payment is received. Wellness Workdays can provide any needed documentation for the intern to be reimbursed once tuition has been paid in full. Fees and tuition are non-refundable. 


I currently work as a diet tech in a hospital. Can hours and projects accrued during my job count toward the internship requirements?  

WWDI will honor prior-assessed learning (PAL) credits toward internship hours in some circumstances. If you plan to apply for PAL, you'll need to submit a PAL application to us after you are accepted to our program. Please visit our PAL page for more details. If you have questions about whether an experience meets PAL guidelines, please email us.





When can I start my rotations?


Rotations can begin after the orientation wrap up call, typically the end of June for Spring Interns and January for Fall Interns. Non-degree interns complete their supervised practice within about 25 weeks and degree interns complete rotations within about 42-62 weeks.











Do I need a COVID vaccine and other immunizations in order to complete rotations?

Interns may be required by their rotation site to show evidence of a COVID-19 vaccination and other immunizations.


Some facilities may accept documentation of health or religious-related exemptions.

Please be advised that regulations will vary per facility, however most clinical settings will require immunization records, documentation of COVID-19 vaccine, and documentation of the seasonal flu shot.


It is the interns responsibility to learn their rotation sites’ requirements PRIOR to securing rotation dates.


All interns are required to complete the program within 150% of their completion deadline regardless of it they cannot secure rotations due to not receiving vaccinations. Interns who are unable to do so may be at risk for termination from the program.

FAQ: Scheduling My Rotations & Finding Preceptors

Functionality You Will Love



Do I have to find my own rotation sites? Do they need to be in my area? 

Can WWDI put me in contact with potential sites and preceptors?  

Yes, you do need to find your own rotation sites. please refer to our Tips for Securing Potential Sites page for more information on what to look for and how to go about contacting potential sites and preceptors.  


Consider contacting your advisor, professors, colleagues or past interns from your current school who have completed distance programs for ideas and references.  


You can complete rotations anywhere in the US.

As a distance program, the responsibility of securing sites and preceptors ultimately falls to the intern/applicant.


Once accepted into our program, we are happy to help with this process.


Please refer to the Tips for Securing Potential Sites page for more information. 


How many hours are required in each rotation? 

Clinical: 400 hours

Concentration: 240 hours

Community: 180 hours

Food Service: 240 hours


How will I know if a site is appropriate for each of my rotations?  

Please refer to the Tips for Securing Potential Sites page for more information.


Can interns be flexible in scheduling their rotations? For example, can I plan a vacation?  

As long as you complete the internship within the allotted time frame, which is 150% of the planned time, you do have some flexibility with the scheduling process. 


Do I need to complete the Schedule Template for my application to the WWDI? 

No. Within the supplemental application, you will be asked to provide details of rotations, sites, and preceptors you have confirmed. 


We will provide a scheduling template to interns once they are accepted into our program. 


Do preceptors need to fill out any forms or paperwork?  

Upon acceptance to our program, preceptors will receive agreement forms for the preceptor to complete and return to WW. No forms are required to be filled out by preceptors prior to acceptance.  


Are preceptor agreements required as part of the DICAS application?  

Preceptor agreements are not required as part of the application process, but it is strongly encouraged to have identified rotation sites. For more details, please refer to the Tips for Securing Potential Sites page.


Do all of my preceptors need to be RDs? For example, does my food service preceptor need to be an RD?  

No, your food service preceptor can be an RD, food service manager or a food service director.  


Your clinical preceptor must be an RD, and at least 1 other rotation must be completed with an RD preceptor.


For the wellness rotation would a Weight Watchers clinic be an acceptable preceptor for that rotation? 

Weight Watchers does not satisfy the requirements for the worksite wellness rotation because it would not expose you to employee-centered wellness program as it relates to business, insurance and office culture. 


Can I find my own preceptor for the Sports Nutrition and Entrepreneurship site or do I have to be matched with one provided by Wellness Workdays?

Yes, you can find your own preceptor for the SNE rotation. If you are interested in working with one of our affiliated professional or collegiate sports team, visit the How to Apply page on our website for more details.  


If I apply for my Sports Nutrition and Entrepreneurship rotation at an affiliated sports team with Wellness Workdays, am I guaranteed a rotation with a team? 

No. Applicant can rank their top 3 affiliated teams. 


Once applied and accepted to the WWDI, applications will undergo an internal matching process with our WWDI staff and staff at the affiliated sports team. 


Applicants will be interviewed virtually with the affiliated programs.  


Can I complete my clinical/MNT hours at a long-term care facility?  

Yes, you can complete clinical hours at a long-term care facility.


Can I complete my clinical/MNT rotation at a Children’s hospital, Dialysis Clinic or with an Outpatient Dietitian? 

We allow interns to complete up to 192 hours in a Children's hospital, Dialysis Clinic, or with an Outpatient Dietitian. The remaining 208 hours need to be done in an acute or skilled nursing facility.  


Once accepted into WWDI, your advisor will help to identify appropriate clinical rotations if needed.


Do I need to secure preceptors for all of the rotations (clinical, community, food service, and concentration) before applying for the distance DI?  

It is not required, but it is preferred that you at least have a minimum of a clinical site/preceptor identified and confirmed.

FAQ: How to Apply

Functionality You Will Love



Is there an additional application to apply for the WWDI? 

Who should letters of recommendation come from?  

Yes, WWDI requires a free supplemental application. Visit the How to Apply page on our website to learn more about the supplemental application process.

DICAS requires that students submit 3 letters of recommendation. That is a requirement. At WWDI, we recommend one academic reference, one professional reference and one reference of your choice. For instance, if you spent time volunteering or working and have someone who can attest to your skills, that person would be ideal for your third reference. This is a suggestion and not a requirement.  


I am currently a master’s student. Which GPA will you consider, master’s or undergraduate?  

We will review your cumulative GPA but are most interested in the didactic GPA.  


I am an international student. Am I eligible
to apply for this internship? 

As an international student, if you are eligible to study in the United States you are also eligible to apply for the Wellness Workdays Dietetic Internship. However, Wellness Workdays is not able to grant students or interns access to stay longer than their permit will allow.  


Can I be accepted into the internship if I received my DPD verification statement 6 years ago? 

Prospective students who received their DPD verification statement more than 5 years prior to applying to our program need to document recent update of their core knowledge in order to be eligible to apply. This can occur through additional coursework in recommended nutrition and science-based courses.  


Please email our team for more details regarding our Recency of Education Policy.  

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Wellness Workdays Dietetic Internship

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